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Osteomyelitis Specialist

Faiza Tahir, MD -  - Infectious Disease Physician

Faiza Tahir, MD

Infectious Disease Physician located in Baytown, TX

Osteomyelitis develops when a bone becomes inflamed and infected, a painful condition that requires early treatment to prevent complications like bone death. Faiza Tahir, MD PA, in Baytown, Texas, has extensive experience rapidly identifying osteomyelitis and taking the steps necessary to heal your infection and restore healthy bone. Whether your symptoms appear suddenly or develop slowly following an injury, don't wait to seek help. To schedule an appointment, call the office or use the online booking feature today.

Osteomyelitis Q&A

What causes osteomyelitis?

Osteomyelitis, a bone infection, most often occurs due to bacteria, but can also develop from other organisms. The infection may originate in the bone. For example, surgery to repair a fracture or replace a joint may introduce germs directly into the bone. 

An infection could also begin anywhere in your body and travel through your bloodstream to the bone. In many cases, muscles, skin, and other tissues near the bone become infected, and the germs easily spread to the bone. For example, nonhealing foot or leg ulcers often develop an infection that leads to osteomyelitis.

Your risk of developing osteomyelitis is higher if you have conditions such as diabetes, arterial or venous disease, HIV/AIDS, or a suppressed immune system.

What symptoms occur due to osteomyelitis?

Osteomyelitis causes one or more of the following symptoms in the area of the infected bone:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Warmth
  • Inflammation
  • Stiffness
  • Loss of movement

Many people also develop a fever and feel generally fatigued. If the infection affects the vertebrae in your spine, you may have back or neck pain in addition to the localized pain caused by the infection.

How is osteomyelitis diagnosed?

After reviewing your medical history and symptoms, Dr. Tahir completes a physical exam. Depending on the results of your exam, she may order blood tests or diagnostic imaging to evaluate your bones and the surrounding soft tissues.

Some people may need a bone biopsy to identify the type of bacteria causing the infection. This allows Dr. Tahir to choose the antibiotic that's best for your specific type of infection.

How is osteomyelitis treated?

Dr. Tahir develops a treatment plan based on the severity of your osteomyelitis and symptoms. Your customized treatment may include intravenous or oral antibiotics, medications to manage your pain, and changing your activities to rest the affected area.

Dr. Tahir may need to perform surgery to drain the infection, clean away damaged and inflamed tissues, and restore blood flow to the bone.

If you have a nonhealing ulcer near the infection, Dr. Tahir provides intensive wound care. These ulcers don’t heal without advanced wound care, and if they don’t heal, they can continually produce infections that spread into the bone.

You should never wait to get medical care for osteomyelitis; without prompt treatment, the bone can die. To schedule an appointment, call Faiza Tahir, MD PA, or book an appointment online today.